Dear Friends & Colleagues,

I hope this finds you enjoying the New Year and that you had a wonderful Holiday Season in 2007.  This year is already shaping up to be one of our best yet, and we have many wonderful things that we are excited to share with you:

  First, let me welcome you to our first issue of THE SOURCE!. Our new quarterly newsletter will highlight product updates, industry news, training opportunities, your successes and much more. 

  I am also very excited to announce the addition of a new consultant to our team, Karen Smart.  Read more about Karen in “Meet the Team”. 

  We have also launched a brand new website.  I hope you will visit it soon as it will be a terrific resource for our customers and the first place that important news will be announced.

  Our customer survey gave us some fantastic ideas thanks to your feedback.  Read more about it and our new support features below including our new “Quarterly Check In”.

Please feel free to submit ideas, questions, and comments for the next edition of THE SOURCE!  We want to keep the information here and on our website relevant to YOU!

I’ll look forward to hearing from you soon.





Letter from the President


 For Workflow Resources News &

 Sage Pro ERP updates, tips and tricks

Volume 1, Issue 1                          A Publication for the Customers & Affiliates of Workflow Resources, Inc.                      1st Quarter 2008


Thank you to everyone who participated in our customer survey.  We are thrilled with your responses and all the great ideas we gleaned from your comments.  Although many of you gave us scores of 10 across the board, it was evident that we had some room for improvement on support options.  As a result,  we have made a few changes that we think will make a world of difference:

  All of our consultants are now available by calling a single number.  Please call 707-538-9083 or our new toll free number 888-538-9083, and use the extensions shown in the side bar.  

  We also have a new “Priority Support” option.  When you call our number and enter  extension 4, the system will search for the next available consultant.  We have already seen a big improvement in response time thanks to this new system.

  We have also included information on how to access training classes on page 2.  Many of our support needs are training related. 


  Finally, we will start taking a more proactive approach to supporting you and your software.  This quarter, we will be checking in with you about your back up and disaster recovery process (see the article above).

To show our gratitude for your continued business, we are planning a “Customer Appreciation” celebration in conjunction with the first release from Canzona Vineyards.  More information will follow soon.  In the meantime, please keep communicating with us on how we can continue to improve our service to you!

Customer Survey Results

David Platt testing wine from a recent harvest, from his newest venture, Canzona Vineyards.  Stay tuned for the Workflow Resources Customer Appreciation Party featuring the first release from Canzona Vineyards.

In This Issue


  Meet Karen Smart

  Disaster Recovery & Prevention

  Visit Our New Website

  Customer Survey Results: New Support Options

  1st Quarter Learning Opportunities

 Keep for Reference


 Call 707-538-9083 or our new toll  

 free number 888-538-9083  


 New Phone Extensions:


 Sales, Customer Service

& General Inquiries...............ext. 2


Mark DaVia.......................ext. 102


Karen Smart......................ext. 103


David Platt........................ext. 104


Priority Support.....................ext. 4


Did you know that 20% of all businesses experience some form of disaster every year? One in 5 businesses that experience such an event will not survive. When we think of planning for disaster recovery, most of us think about fire or some natural event. However, we seldom think about what would happen if a piece of technology becomes unavailable.


You might be surprised to learn how few disasters are caused by nature. While business disasters can be caused by nature or a fire, the single most common cause is hardware failure. Our businesses today are totally dependent on technology. Even small businesses rely on technology. There are PCs on desktops, email, website availability, broadband connectivity, network(s) and server(s) and even VOIP phones. For most businesses the IT department is a black box that keeps technology secrets. When things are working properly, we seldom give any thought to how much we depend on the resources stored inside that black box. There are literally thousands of things inside that black box that have to work 100% of the time, or else. Of course, nothing ever works 100% of the time. This is why hardware failure accounts for such a large fraction of disasters. Basically it is “out of sight --- out of mind”. However, every device has some finite life and will die eventually, often sooner than we hope and usually at the worst possible moment.


Having a written disaster recovery plan is crucial in dealing with inevitable business disruptions. So how do you go about making such a plan?  Find out by reading the rest of the article on our website at

Disaster Recovery & Prevention

Meet the Team:  Karen Smart

Karen Smart has worked in the software industry for years.  She joins the Workflow Resources team as an implementation consultant, and specializes in software installations and the corresponding project management, technical support, pre-sales consulting and on-line training. “I’m thrilled to be part of the Workflow Resources team and to provide a total solution for our customers’ needs.”


Karen applies her strategic abilities outside of work too.  She manages to juggle her two teenage boys into her heavy travel schedule.  In the little spare time she has, Karen enjoys gardening and has an enviable Orchid collection.  She also enjoys playing Mah Jongg, an ancient Chinese board-style game, competitively.


“Karen is a great resource for Workflow Resources”, stated David Platt, CEO of Workflow Resources, Inc. “Workflow Resources and our customers are lucky to have her as a part of our team”.